


 塾ではお正月休み以外で一番長い休みである夏休みに、国や県が旅行や会食はせず家で過ごせという事自体滅多にないことだろうが、そんな時にみんなで外食しようと高知県ではGo To Eatクーポンを販売しているのである。これまためったにないことだから、2021年8月3日をこれからのブログの記録として残したいと思ったのである。




August 3, 2021  in Japan

 This blog has a strange title. In the midst of the 5th corona infection spreading at an alarming rate, a state of emergency has been declared in Tokyo, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka, and Hokkaido, Chiba, Kanagawa, Saitama, Gifu, Mie, Ehime, and Okinawa have been designated as priority areas for preventing the spread of the disease. The Olympic Games are being held in Japan, where 205 countries and regions around the world are participating. On the other hand, the Kan administration, which has run out of ways to deal with corona, has been at a loss for words in the face of the rapid spread of the disease, and is reporting on the collapse of medical care in major cities, asking people to receive treatment at home even if they have moderate disease.

 I think that the rapid expansion of coronas is caused by the holding of the Olympic Games, and I think that the public is expecting to be motivated by the Olympics. I felt a sense of emptiness or futility that I had never felt it before.

 It's not often that the government or the prefecture asks students to stay home and not travel or eat out during the summer vacation, which is the longest vacation except for the New Year vacations.
However, in order to encourage everyone to eat out, Kochi Prefecture is selling Go To Eat coupons. It's also a rare occasion, which is why I wanted to record August 3, 2021 for my future blog.

 I would like to record August 3, 2021 as my own words, when everything is strange.

This blog will take a summer break, and I will see you the week of August 16th.

 Thank you very much.




