コロナ禍でかなりの資金が世の中に出回り、コロナが終わったらインフレになるかもしれないとの心配が経済学者などから指摘されていたが、本来インフレは景気が良くなって国民が裕福になって起こる値上がりを指すもので、今回のように国民は厳しい生活を余儀なくされながらの物価の値上がりは、国民の消費マインドを下げるものであり経済状況は良くないのに物価の上がる、スタフグレーションを私は心配するのである。 益々国民は将来に不安を感じて現金はあまり使わず、貯蓄に回すだろう。
Price Increases from October
The new Kishida administration has started its work. The new virus that has been tormenting the Japanese people has subsided, and we thought we would finally be able to go back to our normal lives, but what awaits us in October is the rise in prices, especially in energy prices. The price of gasoline is the one that I feel most familiar with. The price of a liter of gasoline is now about 165 yen, and this is just a small part of the price increase. The prices of coal and liquefied natural gas, which are essential for power generation, are also the highest they have ever been.
The reason for this is that the price of coal itself should be falling due to the tightening of global regulations on CO2 emissions, but China and other countries are cutting back on imports in order to reduce CO2 emissions, and negotiations with Australia, where coal is produced, have been halted, resulting in a significant drop in production. Normally, one would expect the price of a product to go down since it is not selling well, but since it is not selling well even if it is produced and not being bought, producers are not producing the product, so there is a shortage of the product in the market and the price is going up.
To me, this is a correlation between supply and demand, which I have never understood before. Fortunately, we don't seem to be in a tight spot when it comes to coal, but if the price of coal, which is needed for thermal power generation, goes up, we can expect to see an increase in the price of electricity. Another concern is the rising prices of food. The prices of many items have gone up. I am sure that the food service industry will see price increases, but our industry will not be able to pass on the price increases immediately, so it will be tough.
The Corona disaster caused a lot of money to be released into the world, and economists and others have pointed out that there may be inflation when the Corona disaster ends. I am concerned about the staggering rise in prices even though the economic situation is not good.
More and more, people will feel anxious about the future and will not spend much cash, but rather save it.