

2022.4.14 新聞投稿掲載記事

 4月8日に終わったNHKの朝ドラの挿入曲「On the sunny side of the street」の歌詞から、4月から新生活を始めたフレッシュマンに次の言葉を贈ります。




このエッセイは高知新聞2022年4月14日 朝刊読書欄に掲載されました。

To Freshmen Starting in April

 From the lyrics of "On the sunny side of the street," a song inserted in NHK's morning drama that ended on April 8 The following words are gifted to freshmen.

April is a time of both anxiety and anticipation for new students and new employees at school and at work. I am sure that the days ahead will not be all fun and games, but if you make an effort to walk the sunny path with good friends and seniors, those hard days will surely be a good memory when you look back on them later. That world of yours is not a bad place to be. Please make that path you are on a sunny path with great friends and encouragement. Then you will overcome the thorny path."

It seems that more than 30% of new college graduates leave their jobs within three years. For high school graduates, it is 40%. Life is long and short. If you can't stand it, you may have no choice but to take a different path, but if you can, I hope you will make the path you are taking a sunny one. I believe that the hardships you are going through now will surely benefit you later,  my path from now on may be the path of the setting sun, but I hope it will be as sunny as the lively western sun in summer.


This essay was published in the morning reading section of the Kochi Shimbun on April 14, 2022.