I hate you !



 しかし、日本の朝ドラで「I hate you !」のセリフを子役から聞こうなどとは思いもしなかったのだ。それくらいきつい言葉で、もし母親が殺人事件にでも巻き込まれたなら、この言葉を言った子は容疑者の一人に見られても仕方ないくらい、憎悪に満ちた言葉なのだ。子役がドラマで言う「お袋なんか大嫌いだ!」なんてものではないのである。48歳の女優がその言葉を言った役をこれから若い時から演じる様であるが、英語のセリフはどのようになるのかが楽しみではある。この作品の次の作品はきっと拍子抜けしまうような朝ドラらしい健全な内容の作品だろう。




I hate You !

 It was a series of rapid developments that made me wonder if this was an NHK morning drama, and I wondered if it might cause controversy later on. There are a lot of rainy scenes, which is a common movie technique used when the main character is struggling or in a difficult environment.

 Imagine this. If the scene where the protagonist collapses on the road out of exhaustion had been on a sunny day instead of a rainy day, and if the place where he collapses had been on asphalt, the protagonist would look even more miserable and pitiful because he would be covered in mud in the rain. However, viewers who are accustomed to such stimulating morning dramas tend to look for more stimulating scenes one after the other, which makes them think that the scene in Osaka where the main character's child has grown up will be very stimulating.

 However, when I hear the line "I hate you! in a Japanese morning drama. It was such a harsh word, so hateful that if the mother was involved in a murder case, the child who said it could be seen as one of the suspects. It is not something a child actor would say in a drama, "I hate my mother! It seems that the 48-year-old actress will be playing the role of the girl who said those words from a young age, and it will be interesting to see how her English lines will turn out. I'm sure that the next one will be a wholesome morning drama that will leave you in awe.

 That's it for this year; classrooms will be open from January 4, 2022, but the blog will start the week after that, January 10. I'm going to start blogging the week after that, on January 10th. But NHK is changing...