





 Coronas are spreading again. However, the government, perhaps concerned about the stagnant economy, has not taken any action this time around, but it is the person and his/her family who suffer from coronas. It is the patients themselves and their families who suffer from coronas, and the companies that have to take time off work because of coronas. Although the number of patients is exploding, the government may not act this time because the symptoms are relatively mild, the use of hospital beds is low, the disease is unlikely to become serious, and few people will die.

 The public knows that it is not a good idea to go out in times like this, but because everyone goes out, and because the government and prefectures do not do anything to restrict it, people will move. This time, I feel that the government is trying to see how far the situation will spread, but I also feel that they are letting the people get used to Corona.

 The news may simply say, "100,000 cases were reported nationwide today..." and that will be the end of it. Let's wash our hands and raise our awareness to prevent the spread of the three infectious diseases. I don't think this is relevant in tourist areas.

 I finished my fourth vaccination last week. But it seems that some people strongly refuse this vaccination. I don't want such people to be infected with corona, so I can't tell them not to come to my store, etc. So I feel that if I contract corona, it is my own responsibility.

 However, if I were to contract corona, I would have to take a 10-day leave of absence. I am very concerned about my students and my income during this important summer semester, so I can only pray that the situation will be quickly calmed down.